Early Feedback
Pilot Walkthroughs
The first few months on the project I was working under another designer before they took another opportunity and I became the lead designer. During this time, the initial user testing consisted of several remote sessions with the advanced user group (McKinsey & Company).
As our power users, they will be using all aspects of the tool. In order to make sure that our more common user group is also able to get the most out of the new analytics tool, we conducted user tests with a few customers remotely while watching them interact with the tool via video conferencing.

Kodak Moments
Photo Books iOS
What Are We Solving For?
1) Simplify the Book Building Experience
Creating a photo book is a time-consuming process for even the most experienced users. Determining which photos to use can take up valuable creation time and can quickly lead to decision fatigue.
2) Focus on Creating and Not on Finding
As a result of having cell-phone cameras, it is easier to end up with duplicates, screenshots, notes, and several unwanted photos in the photo collections.
3) Pull Out the Gems to Tell the Story
The best part about this new book experience is that we will help find the best photos in the clutter and quickly showcase a compelling photo narrative.
Role and Team
Role on Team
Research, UX, Visual Design
Moderate Design Sprints
Competitive Research Analysis
Flow and Wireframes
High-Fidelity Mockups
Completed in June 2018
Who was on the Team
Design Director
Front-End Developers (3)
Backend (Rochester)
Product Manager (1)
Native iOS
Mobile Web (Responsive)

Where We Started
Kodak already had a basic book builder on iOS prior to my time at Kodak. This project in part was a visual redesign to update to current branding. However, it was also a chance to look at how to improve the entire book building experience by tackling the most difficult tasks of building a book.

As a team, we began working through design sprints in order to better understand the customer's needs and to set up the project for success.

Stakeholders were PMs, Marketing, VP, and Developers

Initial Flow Planning
Competitive Analysis
There are several competitors in the photo book space, especially for iOS. Kodak is looking to play in the space but also to find a competitive edge by bringing in the feature of the Smart Picker into play which only a handful of competitors have.

Understanding the Flow

Lo-Fidelity Prototype
Initially, we were solving for the photo books shop page, the Made For You book, and the first time user.
It quickly became apparent that this was too large of a scope to complete before the deadline and the decision was made to focus on the first time user who is interested in just building a basic book.

User Testing
We used Usertesting.com to run a test a set of screens from a hi-fidelity prototype. The test was not over a flow but instead of various sections of the flow. We tested the Picker, Smartfill, and the Photo Tray.

Sample of a user running through the sectioned prototype on usertesting.com

Synthesizing the tests

Sample of a user running through the sectioned prototype on usertesting.com
What's Next?
As we were completing the handoff of the assets for the iOS App the web team was requesting the materials and this is the point in the project where we transitioned and strictly focused on converting the experience we created for the iOS for responsive web.
Some of the things we learned are that it is best to conduct user tests and interviews early and often. This helps eliminate the need for assumption based decisions and provides more leverage for the team when communicating with stakeholders. We also learned that it is best to bring the development team into the mix early in the design process.